Menu Icons > Android Style Icons
Android Style Menu Icons offers more than 150 unique images modeled in popular style. Android Style Menu Icons will be a perfect fit for a variety of web and mobile applications with their sharply defined, easily recognizable look.
Android Style Menu Icons are supplied with a number of variations, which brings the total number of images in the collection to just over 1900. Two image formats (PNG and ICO) and four sizes (48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pixels) are provided. All android-styled icons are drawn on a transparent background with Alpha-channel used to smooth the edges and blend with backgrounds of any color or texture. Three states (Normal, Disabled and Hot) are provided.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 159
Image quantity: 1908
File quantity: 2385
Price: $49.00 / 39.00 EUR
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Android Style Menu Icons - Icon List
Abort, Admin, Agent, Agent group, Agents, Alarm clock, All reports, Android, Android button, Apple, Apply, ATM, Attach, Bad mark, Basket, Battery, Book, Bookmark, Briefcase, Brightness, Business, Calc, Calendar, Call, Camera, Cancel, Cash register, Cell tower, Chat, Chats, Checkmark, Children, Client, Client list, Clients, Clipboard, Clock, Close, Cloud, Coin, Comment, Compass, Conference, Contrast, Create, Credit cards, Crop, Cut, Date, Day of week, Delete, Delivery, Doctor, Dollar, Edit, Email, Envelope, Erase, Error, Exit, Facebook button, Family, Farmer, Favourites, Filter, First aid, Flash, Folder, Games, Gear, Gift, Globe, Good mark, Handshake, Head phones, Help, Home, Key, License, Light off, Light on, Link, List, Lock, Mail, Man, Manager, Maps, Marker, Medical, Message, Microphone, Monitor, Month, Movie, Music note, New, OK, Open mail, Payment, People, Percent, Picture, Portfolio, Problem, Product basket, Professor, Properties, Question, Radiation, Radio, Recycle, Recycle full, Refresh, Report, Reports, Roll film, Round button, Sad smile, Safe, Save, Save as, Save image, Scanner, Science, Search, Shopping, Smile, Square button, Star, Stop sign, Sum, Tag, Talk, Tasks, Temperature, Terminate, Tools, Triangle, Turn off, TV, Twitter button, Umbrella, Unlock, User, User group, User info, User login, View, Wallet, Warning, Watch, Week, Wide screen, Windows, Woman, Zoom, Zoom in, Zoom out.
Glossy Menu Icons are gaining huge popularity among several users due to their
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stylish pictograms used in several operating systems such as: Windows 7, Vista and
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style and work on any OS. The collection of Glossy Menu Icons are require for wide
range of application developers from office work to social networking and gaming.
Glossy Menu Icons are the perfect option for you if you are searching for a huge set
of image that go easily with any modern platform. These icons are also available
various file formats such as ICO, PNG, GIF and BMP. You can also get them in three
different states such as: normal, disabled and hot. User can also get these icons in
five sizes such as 48X48, 32X32, 24X24, 20X20 and 16x16 pixels. Paint the forum
in blue and Blue Web Buttons supply many navigation images for the blogs, forums
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images, all coming in the sizes of 48 x 48 or 64 x 64 pixels.
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glossy toolbar integrate rightly in the blog themes or forum skins. Collection of the
glossy toolbar gives icons used as the navigation elements in the blogs and the
social networks.
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We offer stock icons for desktop applications, web sites, mobile software, graphic design, business cards.

A great set of icons for sound-recording applications and audio catalogues. Wide range of sizes from 16x16 to 48x48 pixels is provided.
A collection of bright and stylish icons that will instantly enhance any web page or portal. Available in all the typical toolbar sizes.
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Large Vector Icons represent everything a vector icon set can be. Smooth, easily readable, increadibly stylish - and the best thing is, they all work together as a matching set.