Cool Icons. Fun Menu Icons.
The collection of Fun Menu Icons offers more than 230 unique images of various smileys, transport, buildings, city and architectural objects as well as a handful of navigation icons. Fun Menu Icons are perfect for simulator games, logistics, communication and instant messenger apps. The buildings and transport icons are drawn in 3D isometric projection.
Fun Menu Icons come with a number of variations boosting the total number of images to just over 900. All icons come in two picture formats (PNG and ICO) and four popular sizes (48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pixels). 32-bit True Color versions will blend easily with any background thanks to the extra Alpha channel layer, while 256-color versions are drawn on a transparent background. These cool icons come in three states: Normal, Hot and Disabled.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 238
Image quantity: 952
File quantity: 1190
Price: $49.00 / 39.00 EUR
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Fun Menu Icons - Icon List
About, Academician, Add, Admin, Airport, Alarm, Alien, Army, At work, Atomic plant, Baby, Back, Bank, Barracks, Bedroom community, Billboard, Black folder, Black van, Blondie, Blue car, Blue van, Bodyguard, Bomb, Book, Boss, Boy, Brick buildings, Bridge, Building construction, Buildings, Bus station, Cafe, Call box, Camping site, Cap, Cemetry, Chart, Chemical plant, Church, Cinema, City, Close page, Closed door, Coal plant, Coffee, College, Commercial, Company, Condominium, Constructions, Copy, Credit card, Crossroad, Crying, Cut, Death, Delete, Depression, Detective, Doctor, Dog, Dollar, Down, Driver, Drugstore, Edit, Electrician, Embarrassment, Engineer, Exchange, Exit, Exit, Export, Factory, Farm, Fear, Female user, Find, Fire, Flowers, Football stadium, Function, Garage, Garden, Girl, Goverment, Hacker, Hangar, Hat, Help, Hiker, Hint, Home, Home page, Homepage, Horse, Hospital, Hotel, House, House buildings, Hunter, Image, Import, Indifference, Joy, Justice, Karate, Key keeper, King, Language, Laugh, Law court, Left, Lighthouse, List, Lock, Locked, Love, Mail, Male user, Marketer, Meeting, Megapolis, Millionare, Mortgage loan, Multistorey building, Multistorey buildings, Mummy, Municipal hospital, Museum, Musician, Negation, New black folder, New room, New year, New yellow folder, Nurse, Office, Offline, OK, OK, Open black folder, Open door, Open yellow folder, Operator, Options, Orc, Owl, Paste, Penguin, Pentagon, Picachu, Pig, Pink van, Pirate, Plant, Pleasure, Police, Police, Post office, Postman, Preview, Print, Prisoner, Programmer, Property, Publicity agent, Queen, Radiation, Railroad station, Realtor, Realty, Red car, Redo, Refresh, Repair, Report, Respirator, Retail shop, Right, Run blue, Save, Save as, School, Sculpture, Scyscrappers, Seaport, Search, Search smile, Secured, Singer, Sleep, Slideshow, Small house, Smile, Smoking, Soldier, Somebody, Spy, Start, Stop, Storehouse, Streetlight, Student, Sun glasses, Support, Tear, Telecom, Television, Temple, Theater, Toilet, Tower, Traffic lights, Trailer, Tree, Tumbledown building, Uncle Sam, Undo, University, Unlock, Up, Update, User group, Warehouse, Warning, Water tower, Web, Window, Windows, Wizard, Wonder, Worker, Yard, Yawning, Yellow folder, Yellow van, Zoological garden.
Cool Desktop Icons - Available In Wide Varieties!
If you are looking for the well graphics and cool icons to fulfill your desire, then it's the right time to choose the huge collection of the desktop icons. It has been designed by the expert's icons designers who are much focused on the bit by bit of the icons designs. At the same way, sites designers have managed the sites in simple manner that you can download of purchase any of your desire cool icons with few clicks.
In this regard, only will requires to clicks on your desire icons that available on the page of desktop icons website. Once you will clicks on any icons that moved to the basket in which you can stores all your desire icons first before move for the payment process.
You can get various benefits by choose the desktop icons in place of other. You can get quick response from it regarding your order and guarantee on the cool icons graphics.
Professionally made desktop icons for the software developers are willingly available for the instant purchase as well as immediate download. To get the icon images separately and buy entire icon collections of the software icons at discount. Around 16x16 icons or other icon sizes are accessible and you may buy the individual icon to suit your requirements. Every icon is $1.00 while purchased individually. Various themes; the images are used to spruce simple web site. You have to know that although content is a king; the visitors are searching for the exciting browsing experience while they visit the website.
Besides the single picture will accomplish what thousands of words cannot and these icon images are used to highlight the specific segment of website and to draw the visitors' attention to specific link on a site. In case, you would like to buy the icon for the web based usage like interface and website design, you will see that there are many sited on internet that give you impressive range of the images as well as you may buy many of these for making your icon library. The icon images will as well be brought use in the applications; utility of the tool and application is marred in case, it is not very user friendly so, here is where cool icons for the applications will come handy. They also give users something they will relate to; usually users are well acquainted with the images; thus by making use of them you are creating the level of comfort for user.
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We offer stock icons for desktop applications, web sites, mobile software, graphic design, business cards.

A great set of icons for sound-recording applications and audio catalogues. Wide range of sizes from 16x16 to 48x48 pixels is provided.
A collection of bright and stylish icons that will instantly enhance any web page or portal. Available in all the typical toolbar sizes.
Large Crystal Icons set holds a great variety of images in all the popular icon formats, including ICO, PNG, BMP and 3ds Max.
Large Vector Icons represent everything a vector icon set can be. Smooth, easily readable, increadibly stylish - and the best thing is, they all work together as a matching set.