Windows Icons > Impressive Menu Icons
The collection of highly dynamic Impressive Menu Icons is drawn in a vivid, high-contrast theme to match the style used in graphic software, art and entertainment products designed for a variety of platforms. The high contrast and definition of Impressive Menu Icons will make the icons a perfect choice when designing applications for the color-blind and visually impaired. This huge icon set contains over 950 unique images, and it addresses the broadest range of topics including navigation, texting, organizing, health care, transport and business among dozens of others.
The collection of Impressive Menu Icons comes in numerous variations that boost the total number of images to over 10,000. Four picture formats (PNG, GIF, BMP, and ICO) are included. Impressive Menu Icons are provided in screen resolutions of 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pixels. 32-bit True Color versions come with an extra Alpha-channel layer to make them blend seamlessly with any background. The 256-color versions are supplied on a plain transparent background. All icons come in three versions: Normal, Hot and Disabled.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, GIF, BMP, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 966
Image quantity: 7728
File quantity: 10088
Price: $99.00 / 79.00 EUR
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Impressive Menu Icons - Icon List
3d bar chart, 3d bar chart1, 3d graph, Abort, About, Accept auto transactions, Accept money, Access, Account, Account books, Account ID, Accountant, Accounts, Actual size, Add, Add folder, Add folder 16, Add patient-man, Add patient-woman, Address book, Address book1, Administration, Adress book, Air forces, Air ticket, Airplane, Alarm clock, All reports, Ambulance, Ambulance car, Ambulance-car1, Ambulance-car2, Ambulance-car3, Ampoul, Ampouls, Anatomy128, Apple, Apply, Appointment, Appointment1, Appointment2, Appointments, Archive, Ativan, ATM, Auction, Audio, Auto zoom, Automobile loan, Automobile loan interest payment, Baby, Baby-boy, Baby-girl, Back, Back128, Backup, Backup archive, Bacteria, Bad mark, Bad state, Baggage, Balance, Balance1, Balance2, Bank, Banknote, Bankruptcy, Bar chart, Bar chart1, Bar code, Bar graph, Bar-code, Bar-code scanner, Basket, Basket1, Basket2, Bee, Bell-push, Beverage, Binoculars, Bio hazard, Black car, Black-car1, Black-car2, Black-car3, Blank, Blanks, Blanks1, Blanks2, Blue box, Blue minicar, Bluetooth, Book, Book of record, Book1, Book2, Bookie, Book-keeping, Books, Boss, Boss1, Bottom, Box, Box1, Brain, Brick house, Brief case, Browser, Bug, Building, Building construction, Buldozer1, Buldozer2, Buldozer3, Bulldozer, Bulldozer1, Bundle, Burn, Burn money, Bus, Bus1, Bus2, Bus3, Bus4, Buy, Buyer bag, Cabriolet, Cabriolet1, Cabriolet2, Cabriolet3, Calc stakes, Calculator, Calculator1, Calendar, Calendar1, Calendar2, Camcorder, Camcorder1, Camera, Camera1, Cancer, Capital gains, Car, Car key, Car keys, Car1, Car2, Car3, Car4, Card, Card file, Card file1, Card index, Card terminal, Card-file, Cardiogram, Cardiology, Cards, Case, Case history, Cash, Cash register, Cash-register, Casino, Catterpilar-traktor1, Catterpilar-traktor2, Catterpilar-traktor3, Catterpillar tractor, CD, Cellphone, Certificate, Chart, Check boxes, Check out cart, Check patient-man, Check patient-woman, Check route, Check tooth, Chemist, Cheque, Cheque1, Chief medical officer, Chip, Choice, Cialis ST, Cinema, Circulation, City, Client list, Clients, Clipboard, Clock, Clock1, Close, Coconut tree, Coffee, Coffee1, Coffin, Coin, Coins, Coins1, Compass, Compass1, Computer, Computer doctor, Computer frame, Computer1, Conference, Configuration, Confirm orders, Consultation Notes, Contracts, Copy, Correspondence, Courier, Crane truck, Crane truck1, Crane-truck1, Crane-truck2, Crane-truck3, Create order, Credit, Credit card, Credit card1, Credit card2, Credit cards, Credit cards1, Credit report, Critical details, Customer, Customers, Customers1, Cut, Danger, Dark hand, Data container, Data transmission, Data transmission, Data transmission1, Database, Database access, Database1, Datasheet, Datasheet1, Datasheets, Death, Death1, Delete, Delete folder, Delete patient-man, Delete patient-woman, Delete tooth, Delete1, Delivery, Delivery1, Demographics, Deseased, Desktop, Desktop1, Detective, Diabetes, Diamond, Diary, Disaster, DNA, Doctor, Doctor info, Doctor1, Document, Document1, Documents, Documents1, Dollar, Dollar coin, Dollar1, Dollars, Donation, Door, Down, Down1, Driver, Drug, Drug basket, Drugs, Drugstore, DVD, Ear, Earning, Earnings, Earnings1, Earth, Earth1, Easel, Edit, Edit document, Edit message, Edit patient-man, Edit patient-woman, Edit prices, E-mai, E-mai1, Emergency off, Emergency on, Empty document, Empty document1, Empty dustbin, Empty file, Empty mail box, Empty recycle bin, Equalizer, Equipment, Erase, Eraser, Error, Euro, Euro coin, Event manager, Event manager1, Excavator, Excavator1, Excavator2, Excavator3, Exchange, Exit, Exit1, Export, Eye, Eye-chart, Face, Family, Fast back, Fast forward, Fast-back128, Fast-forward128, Favourites, Fax, Fax1, File sharing, Filter, Filter1, Filters, Finances, Financier, Find, Find in computer, Find in folder, Find in folder1, Find next, Find previous, Finder print, Finger-print scanner, Finger-print scanning, Finger-print scanning v2, Finger-print scanning1, Fingers, Fire damage, Fire engine, Fire-engine1, Fire-engine2, Fire-engine3, First, First-aid, Fist, Flag, Floppy, Floppy disk, Flow block, Folder, Folder sharing, Food, Forbidden, Fork-lift truck, Fork-lift-truck1, Fork-lift-truck2, Fork-lift-truck3, Form, Form editor, Form1, Forms, Forms1, Forward, Forward128, Freight car, Full basket, Full dustbin, Full recycle bin, Gauge, Genealogy, Genealogy1, Genetics, Gift, Glass, Globe, Go, Good mark, Good state, Goods, Graph, Grave, Green dollar, Hand, Hand cart, Hand cart1, Hand1, Handbag, Handcuffs, Handshake, Handshake1, Handshake2, Head, Headphone, Health, Health care, Health summary, Heart, Heart beating, Helicopter, Helicopter1, Helicopter2, Helicopter3, Helicopter4, Help, Help book, Help book1, Help1, Hint, Hint1, Home, Home1, Hospital, Hospital nurse, Hotel, How to, Hummer, Hummer1, Hummer2, Hummer3, Import, Income, Income1, Increase, Index, Industry, Info, Info1, Info2, Insert, Install, Insurance, Insurance1, Insurance2, Insurance3, Interest of deposit, Internet, Internet access, Internet application, Internet company, Invoice, Items, Jacht1, Jacht2, Jacht3, Jeep, Jeep1, Jeep2, Jeep3, Karaoke, Key, Key copy, Key1, Keyboard, Keys, Keys1, Laptop, Last, LCD monitor, LCD monitor1, Left, Letter, Letter1, Library, Library1, Library2, Light off, Light on, Limosine1, Limosine2, Limosine3, Limousine, Liner, List, List1, List2, Lists, Lock, Lock1, Locked notebook, Login, Login1, Login2, Lookup, Lorry, Lorry1, Lorry2, Lorry3, Mail, Mail box, Mail delivery, Mail-delivery1, Mail-delivery2, Mail-delivery3, Mallet, Manage views, Managers, Mark patient, Market report, Marketer, Mastercard, Maternity, Medical bag, Medical bag1, Medical insurance, Medical insurance1, Medical invoice, Medical invoice info, Medical invoice1, Medical store, Medical store1, Meridia, Message, Message1, Metal barrel, Microphone, Microscope, Minibus, Minibus1, Minibus2, Minibus3, Minicar2, Minicar3, Minicar-blue1, Minitruck, Minitruck2, Minitruck3, Minitruck-blue, Mobile phone, Mobile phone1, Modem, Modify, Money, Money bag, Money folder, Money turnover, Money1, Monitor and phone, Mortgage loan, Mortgage loan interest payment, Mosquito, Motocycle, Motocycle1, Motocycle2, Motocycle3, Motor mechanic, Mouse, Move, Multimedia, Music, Music kit, Music-notes, MUV, MUV1, MUVBlue2, MUVBlue3, Network computer, Network group, Network sharing, New, New appointment, New document, New family, New folder, New item, New letter, New patient, New stake, Newspaper, Nexium, Next, No, No entry, No mosquito, Notebook, Notes, Notes1, Notes2, Nurse, Object manager, Object manager1, Objects, Objects1, OK, OK1, OK2, One coin, Open card index, Open file, Open file1, Open lock, Open lock1, Open-folder, Options, Options1, Options2, Optometrist, Optometrist1, Order analisis, Order form, Order tracking, Pack, Paid medical invoice, Paid medical invoice1, Pallet, Palm, Panel truck, Panel truck1, Panel-truck1, Panel-truck2, Panel-truck3, Passport, Paste, Paste from clipboard, Pathology, Patient, Patient health, Patient-boy, Patient-boy1, Patient-girl, Patient-girl1, Patient-man, Patient-man info, Patient-man warning, Patient-woman, Patient-woman info, Patient-woman warning, Payment, PC synchronization, Peak-cap, Pen, Pencil, Percent, Period end, Personal loan, Petition, Petroleum industry, Phentermine, Phone, Phone receiver, Phone support, Phone1, Phone2, Physician, Pick-up, Pick-up1, Pick-up2, Pick-up3, Pie chart, Pie chart1, Pie chart2, Pie chart3, Piggy-bank, Pill, Pills, Pin, Pinion, Pipe-line, Plane, Plane1, Plane2, Plane3, Pocket book, Pointer, Pointer1, Police car, Police-car1, Police-car2, Police-car3, Police-officer, Pollution, Postage stamp, Postman, Pound coin, Pound sterling, Pound sterling1, Power, Prayer, Pregnancy, Preview, Price list, Price list1, Price list2, Print, Print preview, Print1, Print2, Printer, Prisoner, Probability, Problem, Properties, Properties1, Properties2, Property, Protection, Protection1, Protocols, Purchase, Purchase1, Purse, Query, Query runner, Query-runner, Radiation, Radio transmitter, Radiology, Railway, Read letter, Real Earth, Real estate, Realtor, Realty, Receipt, Receptionist, Receptionist1, Recession, Recycling, Red basket, Red Cross and Crescent, Redo, Refresh, Relaxation, Remove, Remove patient-man, Remove patient-woman, Remove tooth, Repair, Repair computer, Repair costs, Report, Reports, Reports1, Restore, Retort, Right, Road, Road roler, Road1, Road-roler1, Road-roler2, Road-roler3, Robot, Rotate-ccw, Rotate-cw, Route ID, Rubber, Safe, Sanitarian, Save all, Save as, Save file, Scale, Scales, Scales1, Scanner, Schedule, Schedule1, Search, Search doctor, Search family, Search folder, Search letter, Search nurse, Search on computer, Search patient, Search patient-man, Search patient-woman, Search text, Search1, Search2, Secrecy, Security, Sell, Send mail, Send money, Sertificate, Server, Service van, Service-van2, Service-van3, Service-van4, Service-van-yellow1, Sharing, Shield, Shield and swords, Ship, Ship1, Ship2, Ship3, Shopping cart, Shredder, Sick-list, Signature, Signature1, Signature2, Site map, Skull, Smile, Sound tooth, Spray, SQL navigator, Square Earth, Stake calculation, Stamp, Statement, Status, Stethoscope, Stick, Stomatologist, Stop, Storage rate maintenance, Stress, Structure, Sum, Support, Surgeon, SUV, SUV1, Suvyellow2, Suvyellow3, Syringe, Table, Table1, Tables, Tables1, Tablet, Tablets, Tag, Tank truck, Tank wagon, Tank wagon1, Tank-truck1, Tank-truck2, Tank-truck3, Tank-wagon1, Tax, Taxi, Taxi1, Taxi2, Taxi3, Teeth, Telephone, Telephone receiver, Telephone1, Telephone2, Temporary tooth, Test tubes, Text document, Themis, Thermometer, Thief, Time, Time1, Timer, Timer1, Tip of the day, Tone dialing, Tools, Tooth, Tooth brush, Tooth status, Top, Tourist business, Tow truck, Tow-truck1, Tow-truck2, Tow-truck3, Tractor unit, Tractor-unit-yellow, Tractor-unit-yellow1, Tractor-unit-yellow2, Trade, Trading, Traffic lights, Trailer, Trailer1, Trailer2, Trailer3, Tram, Tram-1, Tram-2, Tram3, Truck, Truck-red1, Truck-red2, Truck-red3, Trusteeship, Turn off, TV, Undo, Uninstall, Unlock, Unlock1, Unpack, Up, Up folder, Up folder1, Up1, Update, USB flash drive, User group, User login, User logout, Utility ATV, Utility-atv1, Utility-atv2, Utility-atv3, Vaccination, Vaccinations, Vaccine, Valid, Valium, Van, Van1, Van2, Van3, Veterinary, Viagra ST, View diary, View stakes, Visa card, Visual communication, VOIP, Waiting room, Warning, Web, Web page, Web site, Week, Wheeled tractor, Wheeled-tractor1, Wheeled-tractor2, Wheeled-tractor3, Wine, Wizard, Write diary, Write e-mail, Wrong, Yacht, Yen, Yen coin, Yen1, Yes, Zoom, Zoom in, Zoom in1, Zoom out, Zoom out1, Zoom1.
Stock Icons - Maintain the Quality Work!
There are so many ways to add stock icons for your application or web designing like task. Well, there is always a need for the stock Windows icons when you are making applications or web designing. If you really want to make these applications perfect and you want to generate a good web design, then you can now download these stock icons directly from the websites. There are also website which will offer more ideas about stock icons and how you can download them for free. It's the addition of stock icons for application and web designing like task seems to be quite apparent and having more importance. Thus you need to look for the ways through which you can download these stock icons for free or for a low cost.
These are the great Windows icons which you can use for any sorts of application making task in order to keep the right flow and maintain the quality of the work. Most of them give you the free downloading of the icons for clients to examine, and you may also examine them very closely in case, that fulfills requirement or not. Also, check out colors in icons are rich & complementary, angle & prospective on that they are made is correct, edges and corners must be soft & slightly rounded. These elements have to get considered when selecting icons for the web design. Thus, necessity of icons is two and first, to make computing easy.
How To Use Windows Icons and Where To Find Them?
Are you sick of noticing regular windows icons on your monitor? Here are simple tips on how to changethese little graphical representations and where you can find interesting icons to build your very own icon folder.
Windows XP has made heavy use of computer graphics which is the obvious rationale for its fame. The state of the art GUI or graphical user interface makes it smooth for even the inexperienced user to supplyinformation with relative simplicity. If you need to open a folder, all you need to do is click on the graphical image or the Windows icons on the monitor. You can also alter these windows icons to make the appearance of your screen suit your liking.
If you are pondering over why you should lift your fingers for altering the images, the reply is very simple, computer users get bored of noticing regular icons day after day and modifying the Windows icons can offer a novel work scenery for people who work long hours on computer. This just means that picking never before used computer graphics can actually help to improve your work productivity. If you have not considered changing the iconson your computer screen already; here are certain clear-cut tips that will make the task hasslefree.
The first step is to; of course, switch on the computer and let Windows load as usual
As soon as you are on the desktop, click on the start button which is at the lower right hand corner of the screen; this should bring up a menu, look for the tab "My computer" and click on it. An alternate way is to open the computer storage is by double clicking on the "My computer" icon on the computer screen; this is generally the topmost image on the screen; but, the icon will only be on the screen if the icon has been enabled on the desktop.
This being done, you to look for the application for which the icon is being used, this images has to be altered. You have to have an idea the placement of the file in the computer or you can see the search tab in the start menu to to look for the program and know its exact location
Once you find the program, right click on it and a menu should pop up, click on the properties option..
Its very easy to locate the "change icon" button here, clicking on it will take you to a section that will have a couple of icons that can be applied to your selection. However, often, you may not be able to find the change icon tab, in this scenario, you should make a desktop icon; to do so, click on the cancel button of the properties menu and use the right button on your mouse to reach the initial menu, here you will seea second tab that reads "send to desktop" or "create shortcut", point and use your mouse on this tab and return to the desktop, you can now see the program with the normal Widows icon. Now, you can right click on it and alter the image.
If you cannot see the image that you need in the dropdown list, rummage through the system to find an appropriate web graphics
Where can you get interesting icons?
There are numerous websites that offer free icon sets; as a matter of fact, several websites feature images for different professions. If you dont prefer the quality of the free iages, windows icons are readily available at affordable figures.