Icon Library: Shiny Menu Icons
The collection of Shiny Menu Icons includes over a thousand images you're likely to find in common applications. This versatile pack covers the broadest range of topics, making the collection usable in many types of software products, mobile apps and online projects. Shiny Menu Icons are drawn in glossy, "metallic" style with sharp reflections. The highlighted "hot" versions will "pop" by shining even more, casting a sharper reflection than the "normal" versions.
There are 1073 unique images in this icon library, while numerous variations boost this number to over 54,000 files. Each icon from the Shiny Menu Icons set comes in Normal, Hot (highlighted) and Disabled states. All images come in sizes of 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, and 16x16 pixels. Two color resolutions are included: semi-transparent True Color with Alpha channel and 256-color images drawn on transparent background. All icons are provided in ICO, PNG, GIF, and BMP formats.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, GIF, BMP, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 1073
Image quantity: 10730
File quantity: 51504
Price: $99.00 / 79.00 EUR
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Shiny Menu Icons - Icon List
2d pie chart, 3d bar chart, 3d chart, 3d structure, Abacus, About, Access key, Account card, Account cards, Accounting, Accounts, Acid, Add, Add database, Add filter, Add key, Add key v2, Add message, Add user, Add users, Add users v2, Address, Admin, Adult content, Agent, Airport, Alarm, Alarm clock, Alarm clock v2, Alien, Align center, Align left, Align right, All reports, Ambulance, Ambulance car, Android, Antennas, Antivirus download, Apple PC, Applications, Apply filter, Appointment, Appointment calendar, Approve, Aquarius, Archive, Archive file, Archive v2, Aries, Arrow, Astronaut, ATM, ATM v2, Atom, Atomic, Atomic nucleus, Attach, Attribute, Attribute - value, Auction, Audio, Audio file, Audio-plug, Audit, Avatar, Average speed, Award, Award cup, Awards, Back, Backup database, Bacteria, Bad mark, Balance, Bank, Bank cards, Bank service, Bank v2, Banknotes, Bar graph, Barcode, Barcode scanner, Bar-code scanner, Barrier, Basket, Battery, Bell, Bill to, Binary, Binary data, Binary file, Binoculars, Bio hazard, Black list, Blank, Blanks, Blue basket, Blue pin, Blue-ray drive, Bluetooth, Bluetooth symbol, Bluetooth v2, Bolt, Book, Book library, Book of record, Book-keeper, Book-keeping, Bookmark, Books, Boss, Box, Brain, Break safe, Briefcase, Broadcast, Broken connection, Broken heart, Broken safe, Bubble jet, Bug, Bulldozer, Burn document, Burn sheet, Burner, Businessman, Buy, Buyer, Cable, Calc, Calculator, Calendar, Call, Call of, Cancel, Cancer, Capicorn, Capital gains, Car key, Card file, Card index, Card reader terminal, Card rider, Card terminal, Card terminal v2, Cards, Cart, Case history, CD drive, Cell phones, Cell tower, Cellphone, Cert, Certificate, Certificate document, Certification, Certification roll, Certification v2, Chain, Chain link, Char, Chargeback, Chart, Chart XY, Chat, Check, Check boxes, Check file, Check options, Check out cart, Chemical analisys, Chemical calculations, Chemical plant, Chemist, Cheque, Chessboard, Chip, Chip v2, City, Classboard, Clear document, Client list, Client network, Clock, Close barier, Closed folder, Clover, Coal power plant, Coin, Coin column, Coin columns, Coins, Color test tubes, Commertial, Company, Compass, Compass v2, COM-plug, Computer, Computer access, Computer network, Computer sound, Conference, Confirmation, Connect, Connect database, Constraint, Construction, Construction firm, Contact, Contacts, Container, Contract, Conversion of currency, Cooler, Copy, Copy database, Copy document, Copyright, Corrosive, Counter, Couple, Courier, Create, Create symbol, Credit, Credit cards, Critical error, Customers, Cut, Cycle, Data, Data filters, Data model, Data server, Data server v2, Data transmission, Database, Database access, Database broker, Database security, Date and time, Dating, DBevents, Death, Death v2, Decrypt, Delete, Delete database, Delete filter, Delete message, Demography, Denided, Depression, Design, Desk clock, Desktop, Destroy database, Device, Diagram 3d, Dial, Diamond, Digital clock, Disaster, Discard, Disconnect, Disconnect database, Distance learning, DNA, DNA analysis, DNA helix, Doctor, Document wizard, Documents, Dollar, Dollar banknote, Dollar bundle, Dollar coin, Dollar coins, Dollars, Door, Dot-matrix printer, Down, Download, Download folder, Download 3d, Download adult content, Download button, Download database, Download finance, Download image, Download image v2, Download ISO image, Download now, Download symbol, Download updates, Downloads, Downward pointer, Drawing, Drill, Driver downloads, Drop, Drugs, Drum, DVD, DVD downloads, DVD drive, Earnings, Ecology, Economics, Edit data, Edit document, Edit message, EEPROM chip, Einshtein, Eject, Electric power, Electrical, Electrical hazard, Electricity, Elevator, E-mail, E-mail symbol, Emergency off, Emergency on, Empty basket, Empty battery, Empty card index, Empty piggy bank, Empty safe, Encrypt, Energy, Envelope, Envelope v2, Equipment, Erase, Error, Error sign, Error symbol, Euro, Euro coin, Euro coins, Event manager, Excel, Exception, Exchange, Execute, Exit, Explosive, Export key, Export table, Export text, Extract, Eye, Factory, Fall, Fast internet, Fast speed, Favourite, Favourites, Favourites star, Fax, Fax v2, Feather, Female, Female screw, Figures, Figures 2d, File catalog, File transfer, Filights, Filter, Finance, Financier, Find, Find in folder, Find on computer, Fingerprint scanner, Fire damage, Firewall, Firewall v2, Firewall v3, Firewire, FireWire symbol, First satellite, First track, Flame, Flammable, Flash drive, Float, Floppy drive, Flow block, Flow block v2, Flower, Fluo, Flying heart, Folder sharing, Folder tree, Forbidden, Form, Form editor, Formula, Forum, Forward track, Four-leaf clover, Frame, Frames, Free, Free BSD, Free button, Free download, Free file, Full basket, Full battery, Full recycle bin, Function, Galaxy, Game download, Game steering wheel, Gamepad, Games, Gantt chart, Gauge, Gear, Gear v3, Gears, Gemini, Genealogy, General danger, Geography, Get mail, Get message, Get payment, Gift, Gift boxes, Gift v2, Gloved hand, Go back, Go forward, Good mark, Goods, GPS navigator, Graph, Graphic file, Graphs, Green dollar, Growth, Hammer, Hand, Handshake, Hang up, Happy, Hard disk, Hardness, Hardware, Hardware selection, Harmful, HD DVD drive, Headphones, Head-phones, Health care, Heart, Heart on fire, Help, Help book, Hide, High battery, History, Holidays, Home, Home network, Home page, Host, Hourglass, How to, ID, ID tag, Ignore user, Image, Image doc, Image protection, Import key, Import table, Import text, Income, Index, Index v2, Industry, Infected message, Infinity, Info, Information, Infrastructure, Inquiry, Insurance, Integer, Internet, Internet applications, Internet firewall, Internet link, Intranet, Inventory, Investigation, Investment, Investor, Invoice, IP, IP address, IP phone, IPhone, Ipod, ISO image, Item, Items, Joystick, Juke box, Karaoke, Key, Key copy, Key keeper, Key status, Keyboard, Keypad, Keys, Keys v2, Kid-track, Kiss, Knowledge, KS, Labs, Laden pallet, Ladybug, Lamp, Large group, Laser printer, Last track, Lawyer, Lector, Leo, Lesson, Letter, Libra, Light, Link data, List, Lists, Load, Loading, Loading pallet, Local security policy, Location, Location - position, Lock, Lock database, Lock web, Locked, Locked PCMCIA device, Locked printer, Locked smartcard, Locked users, Logical unit, Login, Login v2, Logistics, Logout, Logout v2, Lookup, Loud speaker, Loudspeaker, Love, Love letter, Low battery, LPT-plug, Mail, Mailbox, Mailing, Male, Man, Managed e-mail, Maps, Market, Market report, Math, Measuring, Measuring glass, Media, Medical network, Medical store, Medium battery, Megaphone, Memory card, Menu, Message, Metal gear, Meteorite, Microphone, Microscope, Mobile phone, Money, Money bag, Money exchange, Money turnover, Monitor, Monitor and phone, Monkey-wrench, Motherboard, Mouse, Mouse pad, Movie downloads, Mp3, MP3 download, Mp3 player, Multimedia file, Multy-lunguage, Music, Music download, Music file, My computer, Nature, Navigation, Navigator, Network, Network card, Network card v2, Network computer, Network connection, Network connection v2, Network group, Network path, Network server, Network tools, New, New database, New file, New message, New record, New room, Newspaper, Next, Next file, Next message, Next track, Nick, No connection, No data, No entry sign, No key, No sound, Notary, Notebook, Notes, Nuclear explosion, Object, Object manager, Objects, Offline, Old android, Online, Open card index, Open door, Open file, Open file v2, Open folder, Open safe, Operator smile, Orator, Order form, Order tracking, Oscillograph, Overlay lock, Overlock key, Oxidizing, Pack, Pack file, Pack v2, Pack v3, Package, Pallet, Palm, Paper, Party, Paste, Paste - blue, Paste document, Pause track, Payment, PCMCIA, PCMCIA device, PC-PDA synchronization, PC-Web synchronization, Pen, Pencil, People, People contact, People contacts, People online, Percent, Percent symbol, Performance, Period end, Person, Person details, Personal, Personal loan, Personal smartcard, PH, Phone, Phone communication, Phone number, Phone search, Phone support, Phones, Photos, PHP, Physics, Pick, Picture, Picture v2, Pie chart, Piggy bank, Pill, Pills, Pipette, Pirate flag, Pisces, Play, Play track, Playback track, Plug, Plus, Pointer, Poison, Police officer, Port, Portable radio transmiter, Postman, Pound, Pound coin, Pound coins, Present, Preview, Previous file, Previous message, Previous track, Previous v2, Price, Price list, Pricelist, Print, Prism, Private folder, Processed, Processor, Product, Products, Professor, Profile, Project, Projector, Properties, Property, Protection, Provider, Purchase, Purchase order, Purchase v2, Purse, Push pens, Put away, Question, Question mark, Questionnaire, Radiation, Radio set, Radio telescope, Radio transmission, Radio transmitter, Radioactive, Radioactivity, Raise, Real estate, Real web, Realtor, Receive present, Receptionist, Recession, Record, Recycle bin, Recycling, Red flag, Red gear, Red octagon, Red percent, Red pin, Red star, Redo, Redo changes, Refresh, Refund, Registration, Registry, Relations, Remote access, Remote database, Remote-control, Removable drive, Remove, Remove filter, Remove user, Remove user v2, Remove users, Rename document, Repair, Repair computer, Repair database, Repeat, Report, Report v2, Reports, Reset button, Resize image, Resource file, Resources, Restore database, Restricted, Restricted page, Retort, Rewind track, RGB, Robot, Rocket, Rocket speed, Roll, Romance, Rotate CCW, Rotate CW, Router, RSS, Sad, Safe, Sagittarius, Sale, Satellite connection, Save, Save as, Save picture, Scales, Scan barcode, Scan fingerprint, Scanner, Schedule, Scheduled, School, Science, Science library, Science symbol, Scientist, Scorpio, Screw, Script, Search contact, Search data, Search next, Search previous, Secure connection, Secure device, Secure device v2, Secure PCMCIA device, Secure printer, Sell, Sell product, Send mail, Server, Service, Service broker, Settings, Sex, Share folder, Shedule, Shield, Ship to, Shredder, Signal test, Signature, SIM card, SIM-card, Site map, Skull, Slow speed, Smartcard, Smile image, Snapshot, Socket, Software download, Sound card, Sound document, Sound regulator, Space station, Spanner, Spell cheking, Spend, Spy, SQL navigator, Staff, Staff file, Start button, Start button v2, Statistics, Steering-wheel, Stock information, Stock market, Stop track, Stop-watch, Store, Strong base, Structure, Student, Sum, Sun, Supernova, Support, Symbol, Syringe, System, System file, Table, Table file, Tables, Tables file, Tag, Talk, Tambourine, Target, Tasks, Taurus, Tax, Teacher, Telephone, Telephone directory, Telephone receiver, Telescope, Terminate, Terrestrial globe, Test probe, Test-tube, Test-tubes, Text, Text file, Thermometer, Time, Time machine, Time v2, Time zone, Timer, Timer v2, Timetable, Tip of the day, To do list, Tools, Torch, Torrent, Trade, Trade v2, Trading, Traffic, Traffic v2, Transfer, Trash, TV, TV tuner, Umbrella, Undo, Undo changes, Units, University, Unloading pallet, Unlock database, Unpack, Unpack v2, Up, Up folder, Update, Update v2, Upload, Upload folder, Upload 3d, Upload adult content, Upload button, Upload database, Upload finance, Upload image, Upload ISO image, Upload picture, Upload symbol, Upload to phone, UPS, USB, USB drive, USB-plug, User, User group, User login, User login v2, User logout, Users, Users folders, Usual speed, Valentines Day, Valign bottom, Valign center, Valign top, Very slow speed, Vibration ring, Video card, Video file, Videos, View, View license, View spectrum, Vigro, Virus, Virus warming, VISA card, Visual communication, Voice identification, VOIP, Volume, Volume down, Volume level, Volume up, VPN, VPN tunnel, Wall, Warning, Watch, Water molecule, Weather, Web, Web camera, Web form, Web portal, Web site, Webcam, Wedding, Wedding rings, What is it, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi symbol, Wind rose, Windows PC, Wink, Winner, Wire, Wireless modem, Wizard, Woman, Work group, Workflow, World, Wrench, Write e-mail, Write mail, Write message, X-ray, X-ray picture, Yellow message, Yellow messages, Yen, Yen coin, Yen coins, Zoom in, Zoom out.
Icon Sets - Download Them Online For Free!
Are you looking for icon libraries? Are you looking forward to download complete icon sets? Well, these things are now becoming possible for you with the increasing accessibility for the internet. It's the internet that is exactly supplying people more and more chances to download these icons sets for free. There are so many sites available for you to download these icon sets but you need to look for the free ones. The icons supplies in the icon libraries are specially crafted and designed by professional designers who know the importance of adding these icons for any website or application. These icon sets have been announced for the online world in order to add more help for the application makers and website designers.
If you are a website designer and your clients asking for a fresh look with the website design or application making, then simply opt for the internet and download these icon sets for free. Add these icons for the website or applications and feel the difference. Generally, the icons are needed to design quality sites as well as software applications. Some icons are required however they are worth to include. Check symbol and style of the icon design that you are making use of it Color, graphic and perspective adds some value to icons. At times designer sells an icon in set of the designs and you need to suggest making icon design and thus he makes according to requirement.
Icon sets page: http://www.aha-soft.com/iconlibs.htm
Colour Your Own UIs While Using New Microsoft Windows Icons
Graphical user interfaces play a distinguished role in enhancing the user friendliness as well as visual appeal. Head out a stride additionally by making use of up to date symbols out there below making the softwares enjoyable to work with and straightforward to navigate, by using the assistance of a number of intelligently made images you can use by going to this site.
A specific MR. Fred R Barnard in a publication in 1921 claimed one or two words, “a picture is worth a thousand words”, actually he might n't have recognized the specific importance with the words at the moment, or even the guy did, as more than 90 yrs right after making this specific assertion we strive to search out a lot more ways to put it on. Barnard may have stated it when referring to the actual potential of graphic advertising, yet a handful of decade’s back the item observed its way into the industry of encoding using the coming of Graphic guis the moment images plus icons exchanged writing complex command-line justifications.
Employing basic, clear to see icons might go a long way into making the lifestyle of your buyer less complicated. Through placing these types of icons you don't only help make that simpler for you to get around, it really makes the gui more appealing.
You can get the hands on in excess of seven-hundred these types of icons over here, every one of them at a price of 99 dollars. The style comes in a measurement equal to a square of forty eight pixels which have a see-through backdrop as well as a photo of twenty six by twenty-six pixels on the center. these types of illustrations or photos compatible with all of the Microsoft Windows 8 and even Microsoft Windows phone applications also come in the PNG formatting and are avalable in every one of 14 diverse shades ranging from the most common blue, red as well as green to the more distinctive deep blue as well as light-red, and could be taken without or with the surrounding circles.
Individualize each and every site on your pc with the assistance of these appropriately intended symbols and thus go ahead and take drive destination to some whole new levels; you can replace symbols for those common elements such as redo, undo, back, refresh and so forth. with all of these aesthetically appealing visuals. Combined with typical types, you get to choose out of hundreds off distinctly intended shots that you’ll have some fun setting attributes to, you've got a cardiologist symbol, the motor man icon, a investigator symbol, the auditor symbol and in all probability the best angel image.
All of these icons, as I have cited above, come in a very deployable form, you receive their hands on these whenever you make the payment and then you have the freedom make use of these in many of the possible approaches. A captivating interface may make hrs of labor appear way less complicated as well as helps you save from getting worn out psychologically by browsing those extensive series of instructions. Uncomplicated navigation, desirable program and also smart operation remain in the centre of every software, with the help of this pack you have the user interface and also the navigation part protected, now the only matter that's stopping you from setting up a cutting edge software package is you. Obtain all of these symbols right now and also revitalise the full coding experience.