Application Icons > Smooth Menu Icons
In more than 350 unique images, the collection of Smooth Menu Icons mostly covers people, jobs, professions and hobbies. Smooth Menu Icons offers a set of basic networking and navigation icons as well as a few application icons used in social networking. The most part of the collection is comprised of the images of people, and includes people at work or at home, computer users, and user management icons such as add/remove user, lock/unlock etc. Smooth Menu Icons are drawn in gentle, smooth style with no hard edges, cartoon colors or high-contrast images.
Smooth Menu Icons come with a number of variations boosting the total number of images to just over 1900. There are four image sizes (48x48, 32x32, 24x24, and 16x16 pixels) and two color resolutions, 32-bit True Color and 256-color. True Color images blend seamlessly with any background thanks to the additional alpha-channel layer, while 256-color versions are drawn on a plain transparent background. All icons are supplied in three states: Normal, Hot and Disabled.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 384
Image quantity: 1536
File quantity: 1920
Price: $49.00 / 39.00 EUR
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Smooth Menu Icons - Icon List
3d bar chart, 3d chart, 3d design, Abort, About, About1, Accept user, Accept user1, Accountant, Accounts, Add, Add user, Add users, Add users1, Address book, Admin, Adult content, African man, African man1, African woman, African woman1, All reports, Android, Android head, Application, Apply, Appointment, Arab, Arab1, Armed robot, Army officer, Army officer1, Artist, Artist1, Asian man, Asian man1, Asian woman, Asian woman1, Atomic, Atomic robot, Attention, Audio, Auditor, Auditor1, Awards, Baby, Baby1, Back, Backward, Bank, Black list, Black list1, Blinklist, Blog, Blond, Blond1, Blonde, Blonde1, Blue robot, Bookl ibrary, Boss, Boss1, Boss2, Box, Boy, Boy1, Briefcase, Btorrent, Bus, Calendar, Calendar1, Camera, Cancel, Cancel1, Card file, Cash register, Certificate, Certification, Check, Check user, Chemistry, Children, Children1, Classic robot, Clerk, Clerk1, Client, Client list, Client list1, Client list2, Clock, Close, Commercial building, Computer, Computers, Conference, Conference1, Conference2, Contacts, Copyleft, Copyright, Couple, Couple1, Crawler, Customers, Customers1, Customers2, Dancing robot, Database, Date and time, Decorator, Decorator1, Decorator2, Delete, Delete user, Delicious, Delivery, Detective, Detective1, Digg, Diploma, Doctor, Doctor1, Documents, Dog robot, Dollar, Dollar1, Donkey, Download, Download1, Drill, Drugs, Earth, Edit, Edit list, Edit user, Einstein, E-mail, E-mail1, Emule, Erase, Error, Error1, Exit, Facebook, Family, Family1, Family2, Favourites, Favs, Female, Filter, Financier, Find, Find1, Flickr, Flying robot, Folder, Folder1, Follow me, Forum, Forward, Free, Free1, Freelancer, Freelancer portfolio, Freelancer1, Full basket, Full recycle bin, Gallery, Gauge, Gear, Gift, Girl, Girl android, Girl1, Global manager, Globe, Good mark, Graphic designer, Graphic designer1, Graphic designer2, Graphic tablet, Guy, Guy1, Hacker, Happy robot, Heart, Help, History, Home, Hospital, Icon design, Image portfolio, Industrial robot, Info, Info1, Insect-robot, International, International1, Iron-clad robot, Key, Keyboard, Kiss, Lady, Lady1, Large group, Large group1, Learner, Lightning, Linux, List, List1, Little robot, Locked user, Locked users, Mail, Mail spider, Man, Man1, Manager, Manager1, Mechanic, Mechanic1, Meeting, Meeting1, Men, Men1, Military robot, Minus, Mobile phone, Money, Myspace, Netvibes, New, No, Notes, Ok, OK smile, OK1, Open torrent folder, Options, Orange forum, Paint, Paint tools, Painter palette, Palette, Paranoid android, Payment, Peer to peer, Pencil, People, Phone, Phone number, Photo, Photo portfolio, Physician, Physician1, Pictures, Pin, Pirate, Pirate bay, Play, Plus, Policeman, Policeman1, Portfolio, Portfolio1, Portfolio2, Preview, Print, Problem, Properties, Pupil, Question, Recycle bin, Reddit, Redo, Refresh, Refresh1, Remove, Remove user, Remove users, Remove users1, Remove1, Repair, Repair1, Reports, Resources, Road, Road sign, Rose, Round button, RSS, RSS1, Sad robot, Save, Save as, Schedule, Scorpio-robot, Search, Search user, Search user1, Search1, Server, Sex, Ship, Signature, Smile, Spider robot, Sportsman, Sportsman1, Sportswoman, Sportswoman1, Star, Student, Student1, Stumbleupon, Stumbleupon button, Super Twitter, Supervisor, Supervisor1, Sync, Task list, Tasks, Teacher, Teacher1, Technorati, Test tubes, Text, Timer, Torrent, Torrent file, Torrent folder, Travel, Turn off, Turn on, Tutor, Tutor1, Tweet, Twitter, Twitter button, Twitter1, Twt, Undo, User, User folder, User group, User group1, User group2, User info, User info1, User login, User login1, User logout, User problem, User warning, User1, User2, Users, Users folder, Users1, Users2, Utorrent, Video, Virus, Warehouse, Warning, Warning1, Water, Web design, Web designer, Wedding, Woman, Woman1, Woman2, Women, Women1, Worker, Worker1, Worker2, Youth, Youth1, Youtube.
Ready-Made Application Icons Make Developing Software Cheaper
Perfect Toolbar Icons are available for $99.95, and contain 460 toolbar icons in a variety of variations, sizes, color depths, and image formats. At about 21 cents per image, the price/benefit ratio of this XP icon set is hard to beat!
Ready-made graphics are a modern standard for rapid application development. Offering significant savings over custom-made images or outsourced graphics, stock application icons not only make application development less expensive, but accelerate the delivery of the final application. With an estimated cost of around $20 to $100 per icon for custom-made graphics, ready-made graphics offer savings calculated in orders of magnitude with costs of under a hundred dollars for several hundred application icons.
Perfect Toolbar Icons designed by Aha-Soft are available for $99.95, and include 460 icons in a variety of versions, sizes, color depths, and file formats. At around 21 cents per icon, the price/benefit ratio of this XP icon set is hard to beat!
Perfect Toolbar Icons help application developers speed up the development and lower development costs significantly. Offered as a readily available icon set for XP, the Perfect Toolbar Icons set is royalty free and instantly available for preview and purchase.
Perfect Toolbar Icons have images to depict objects, symbols and actions commonly found in general Windows products. The XP icon set includes the following application icons among many others: Computer icon, Folder icons, Search icon, Add icons, Printer icon, User icons, Delete icons, Exit icon, Up And Down icons, Lock Windows icon, Up Folder icon, and Windows Book icon. Most graphics are designed in the new Windows Vista style, although a few XP-style graphics are also included: the XP Delete icon, XP Search icon, and XP Help icon.
The icon set for XP and Vista applications makes products developed for these operating systems look modern and consistent throughout. The entire set of XP icons is designed as a matching library sharing common style, gamma and colors among the three hundred graphics. Your order gets you images in all sizes, styles, and resolutions required for a modern application. True Color, alpha-channel and 256-color icons are included, and sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 pixels are included with every order. Application icons in all three states, normal, disabled, and highlighted, are included. To speed up integration with Web and Windows applications, each order providestoolbar icons in Windows icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats.
The entire XP icon set is available for instant preview at www.perfecticon.com.
Copyright © 2008-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
We offer stock icons for desktop applications, web sites, mobile software, graphic design, business cards.

A great set of icons for sound-recording applications and audio catalogues. Wide range of sizes from 16x16 to 48x48 pixels is provided.
A collection of bright and stylish icons that will instantly enhance any web page or portal. Available in all the typical toolbar sizes.
Large Crystal Icons set holds a great variety of images in all the popular icon formats, including ICO, PNG, BMP and 3ds Max.
Large Vector Icons represent everything a vector icon set can be. Smooth, easily readable, increadibly stylish - and the best thing is, they all work together as a matching set.