Software Icons. Soft Menu Icons.
Soft Menu Icons come with everything to get you started with a software development project. The collection of Soft Menu Icons includes more than 600 unique images commonly used in PC and Mac software, including file operation icons, browsing and navigation controls, common office icons, a variety of charts, graphs and currency symbols, security, Internet, people and social networking icons. These royalty-free software icons are sharply shaped and clearly defined, which makes them easily recognizable on any platform including mobile apps.
This versatile pack of ready-made icons comes in four file formats (ICO, PNG, GIF, and BMP) and includes dozens of variations, which bumps the total number of images to over 9800. Five sizes (48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, and 16x16 pixels) and two color resolutions (32-bit True Color with Alpha channel and 256-color transparent background) are included. All images come in three states: Normal, Hot, and Disabled.
Image states: normal, hot, disabled
File formats: PNG, GIF, BMP, ICO
Image sizes: 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
Background: transparent
Icon quantity: 613
Image quantity: 6130
File quantity: 9812
Price: $99.00 / 79.00 EUR
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Soft Menu Icons - Icon List
3d bar chart, 3d graph, 3d rotation, ABC, Abort, About, Accept, Access, Accounting, Add, Add comment, Add folder, Add page, Add to basket, Add user, Add users, Address book, Admiral, Advertisement, African boss, Air traffic controller, Airplane, Alarm, Anchor, Angel, Application form, Apply, Arab boss, Army officer, Army officer v2, Arrow, Asian boss, Asian female boss, Astronaut, Attach, Attach v2, Attachment, Authorize, Auto zoom, Back, Bad mark, Baht, Bar chart, Bar graph, Barbarian chief, Basket, Best, Billboard, Binary data, Blanks, Blue magnifier, Bluetooth, Book, Book library, Books, Boss, Boss v2, Bottom, Boy, Brief case, Brush, Bubble, Buddha, Buddy, Bug, Builder, Burning trash can, Business, Businessman, Buy item, Buyer bag, Cable, Caesar, Calculator, Calendar, Call, Camera, Cancel, Captain, Captain v2, Card file, Cardinal, Cardiologist, Cash register, Cat, Certificate, Chart, Check boxes, Check options, Check out bag, Check out bag v2, Check out bag v3, Check out cart, Check out item, Check page, Check user, Chief, Cleaner, Clear, Clients, Clipboard, Clock, Clock v2, Clockwise, Close, Closed door, Coffee, Coin, Coins, Comment, Comments, Compact disk, Company, Compass, Component, Computer, Computer doctor, Conference, Connect, Construction, Contacts, Control panel, Copy, Copywriter, Counter clockwise, Courier, Create, Create v2, Credit, Credit card, Credit cards, Currency, Currency exchange, Cut, Database, Datasheet, Date, Delete, Delete folder, Delete item, Delete message, Delivery, Dentist, Desktop, Detasheets, Detective, Devil, Dice, Diploma, Disaster, Disconnect, Doctor, Doctor appointment, Doctor info, Documents, Documents v2, Dog, Dollar, Down, Down v2, Down-left, Download, Download data, Download music, Down-right, Driver, Druggist, Dumb-bells, Economics, Edit, Edit comment, Edit message, Edit page, Editor, Einstein, Eject, E-mail, Emperor, Empty dustbin, Empty trash can, Energy, Engineer, Envelope, Erase, Eraser, Error, Euro, Exchange, Exit, Exit button, Export text, Eye, Farmer, Fax, Feather, Female boss, Film, Filter, Filter v2, Find, Find in folder, Find next, Find on computer, Find previous, Find v2, Fireman, Firewall, First record, Flash drive, Flip horizontally, Flip vertically, Flow block, Folder, Folder v2, Food, Forbidden, Forklift truck, Forward, Forward message, Forward v2, Forward v3, Free, Friends, Full basket, Full dustbin, Full trash can, Funny, Game controller, Gear, Genealogy, General, Get mail, Get massege, Gift, Girl, Global business, Global Manager, Globe, Go back, Go back button, Go down, Go down button, Go forward, Go forward button, Go up, Go up button, Good mark, Goods, Graph, Graphic file, Graphic tools, Green set square, Green user, Grid, Hacker, Hand, Handbag, Handshake, Hangup, Happy, Hard disk, Head physician, Heart, Help, Help book, Hierarchy, Historian, History, Home page, Horizontal ruler, Hospital nurse, Hotel, Hotel stars, Hourglass, House, How to, HTML message, Immunologist, Import text, Indian boss, Indian chief, Industry, Info, Install, Insurance, Internet access, Inventory, Judge, Keyboard, Keys, King, King v2, Knight, Knowledge, Landscape, Last record, Lawyer, Lecturer, Left, Left-right, Letter, List, Lists, Lock, Lock page, Locked Internet, Login, Logout, Lookup, Maestro card, Mail, Mail box, Manager, Mark message, Measure, Message, Message v2, Messages, Mexican boss, Microsoft, Microsoft flag, Midi document, Mobile phone, Money, Monitor, Monitors, Motor mechanic, Mouse, Mouse pointer, Move, Move diagonally, Move down, Move left, Move right, Move ul-dr, Move up, Move ur-dl, Multimedia file, Music, Music v2, Navigator, New, New file, New message, Newspaper, Next, Next message, Next track, No, No entry, No sound, Notepad, Notes, Numbered list, Object manager, Objects, Official, OK, Old boss, Online, Open book, Open door, Open file, Open lock, Open message, Options, Optometrist, Painter, Paste, Pause, Payment, Peace, Pen, Pencil, People, Percent, Person details, Pets, Phone, Phone number, Physician, Pie chart, Piggy, Piggy bank, Pills, Pilot, Pin, Pirate, Pirate v2, Play, Play animation, Play button, Playback, Police officer, Policeman, Pope, Portrait, Postage stamp, Postman, Pound, President, Preview, Previous message, Previous track, Price, Price list, Print, Print preview, Printer, Prior, Problem, Professor, Professor v2, Properties, Psychoanalyst, Psychologist, Queen, Query, Question, Rain, Read mail, Read message, Receptionist, Record, Recycling, Red gear, Red house, Red pencil, Red star, Redirect, Redo, Redo black, Redo v2, Refresh document, Refresh, Registration, Remove, Remove comment, Remove from basket, Remove page, Remove user, Repair, Repair computer, Reply, Reply to all, Report, Reports, Resources, Restricted page, Revert, Rewind, Right, Ring-buoy, Roll, Rotate 180, Rotate CCW, Rotate CW, Rotate left, Rotate right, Rotation, Rotation 180, Rotation 270, Rotation 90, Rouble, RSS, Ruler, Rulers, Sad, Safe, Sale, Santa Claus, Save, Save all, Save as, Save file, Save picture, Scan, Scanner, Schedule, Scientist, Screen settings, Scroll list, Search, Search letter, Search message, Search next, Search nurse, Search previous, Search text, Search v2, Secrecy, Secured message, Security, Security guard, Send mail, Send message, Set square, Settings, Sheikh, Shekel, Shield, Shield and swords, Shopping cart, Signature, Site map, Smile, Software, Soldier, Soldiers, Sorting 1-9, Sorting 9-1, Sorting A-Z, Sorting Z-A, Sound, Sound document, Sound volume, Spam filter, Spam filters, Spam scales, Spell checking, Staff, Stamp, Star, Start, Steering wheel, Stomatologist, Stop, Stop v2, Student, Sum, Supervisor, Surgeon, Synchronize, Table, Tables, Task list, Taxi, Teacher, Telephone, Text, Text document, Text replace, Themis, Tick, Time, Timer, Tip of the day, Todo list, Tools, Top, Tree, Trinket, Turkish boss, Turn off, Umbrella, Uncle Sam, Undo, Undo black, Undo v2, Uninstall, Units, Unknown person, Unlock, Unordered list, Up, Up v2, Update, Up-down, Up-left, Upload, Up-right, USB drive, User, User comment, User contact, User data, User group, User group v2, User info, User list, User profile, User v2, Users, Users folder, Vertical ruler, Video file, View, Visa card, Voice identification, Volume, Wallet, Warning, Weather, Web, Web page, Wheight, Wind rose, Winner, Wireless, Wizard, Wizard v2, Work area, Worker, Workers, Wrench, Write e-mail, Yellow submarine, Yen, Yes, Yuan, Zoom in, Zoom out, Zoom.
Small Icons - Specify Your Icon Requirement!
You can find out numbers of small icons, which are so beautiful with meaning designs. You can download or buy these small software icons from these collections as per your requirements. These small icons have been designed by the software developers so that you can contact to these software developers through their business details. After that, you can make the real utilization of these small icons on your application. These small icons are enhancing the application demand in software market. If you want to download or buy these small icons, then you need to click the requirement icons. After that, you will receive a download link from the software developer through your E- mail.
When you are clicking on download link, initially you will receive the web icon page and after that you can download these web and software icons as per your necessity. For that initially you need to pay with your credit card, or electronic payment system. Icons are used widely and famous terminology in computer related glossary that indicates pictogram, which we use now and then to express meaning of different items and options in computer. Use of the icons in current times are expended so much there are the icons that are used in everywhere in virtual world. Common example of icons are pictograms in toolbars of various programs, files & folders icon, web icons, network icons, hardware icons on body of various hardware, mobile icons, office icons and so on.
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